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Foolish expert. How many funerals occur in a community within four years? This analyst should look for a proper job as he is not cut out for the one that he is doing. Imposter
Better to see MPs back in their constituencies attending funerals that to see them sit on their fat asses in Parliament doning nothing for Ghana.
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Better to see MPs back in their constituencies attending funerals than to see them sit on their fat asses in Parliament doning nothing for Ghana.
Village talk
When parliament has turn into a money making venture, then everyone deserves to take their turn. Why should some people enjoy while others wait in line. Dibi na me dibi. Very fair.
You are not serioys. If MPs want their personal comfort then tgey should not enter into politics . public service demands public service.
This is because most Ghanaians are politically illiterate. They see their MPs as cash cows who should give them financial help whenever the need arises. In the end mps resort to corrupt practices to satisfy the financial dema ...
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