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Haahaaa! Eei! Are you sure?
Author: Kwasi—————- - NDC leaderships are losers!! I am glad someone is telling the
truth. Mahama is fake. He te ...
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They sacked u
Eiiiii is it true that Yaw Buaben Asamoah can’t think properly? How can any sensible person speak so foolishly? This guy has a lot to learn. The people poling you are idiots who have no common either. Gyimie ahy3 wo atari. ...
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Buaben asamoa NPP is now peaceful with out you hopeless adorye and in other words you three don't forget Alan are all timid and acidic in nature
Do we even care?
Buaben Asamoa, you are funny. Don’t deceive yourself. The so called people who are telling you that you look good after quitting NPP are making mockery of you. I look at your picture on ghanaweb and you have even lost weigh ...
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Because you are now eat a lot of butterflies alone when is was not possible then to eat a single elephant.
The people are making fun of you rather.
Illusion. You Was sacked.
So u believe what the people are telling you?. Shame on you. Just praise-singing so you get to chop the afrafranto man small. You, hopeless adoye, and bunch of ingrates will regret this mistake one day. But, it will be too la ...
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You were sacked, you didn't leave by yourself
He did not leave on his own. Buaben Asamoah was KICKED OUT of the party.
You can look ugly who cares.
Because u have stopped drinking
Just say it......NPP in its current shape and form is toxic and hazardous. No sane person should be allowed near it with a barge pole.
I never knew you were thus childish.
Buabeng Asamoa, you Ohene Ntow and Hopeson Adorye have behaved stupidly and you must admit it. Buabeng Asamoa has become a laughing stock but he won't speak the truth. Alan could not even beat Kennedy Agyapong in the flagbear ...
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