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This Kofi Akpaloo guy is a bloody idiot. Is he campaigning to be president or acting as a surrogate for the criminal NPP organization? Every Ghanaian knows Akuffo Addo and Timothy Bawumia have failed the country miserably. W ...
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Akpaloo is a mad dog. A congenital idiot. Only fools like OB bring this thing to their program.
God bless u Akpaloo
Stupid foool .Look at his face
Same must be said of anyone who says same thing about JJR, Kufour, Mills and Mahama. That should be your argument and not on NADAA alone. All presidents made some contribution in one sector or the other to the development of ...
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This Apaloo man is being financed and supported by the NPP. He is a stooge of Akuffo-Addo and his akyem mafia and must not be taken seriously.
You are dishonest citizen if you think Akuffo Addo has done good to Ghana. You’re thinking of your stomach alone odwan.
What type of food and drinks do some people take such that they see things differently.
May the gods of the BIA,TANO,ANKOBRA,PRA,DENSU,VOLTA punish anyone who says Akuffo Addo has done something for mother Ghana.
Same to you if anyone you know is enjoying free education
Free education my foot. Last year 15% of JHS students couldn't attending that useless propaganda free SHS. Destroying our education system and economy.
Short memory
Another stupid ayigbe fool .
This is a great politician for Ghana and Africa as a whole'
You are a useless man because Akuffo Addo gave you contract that is why you are praising him
It will be foolish on your part to contest this year's election. Phoolish man
Akpaloo needs money again
Akpaloo yakame emoglobo, amerigbor, akpeteshietor, azui
Hahahahahaha. 4ty6 you are too hard on the man.
Nonsense! !! Why go to the extent of introducing a Free SHS if many people have Jobs with reasonable wages to live on? These and other needless benefits are due to the Failures of government. Yes!! This government has do ...
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Did you say same about Mahama and the past presidents? Be honest yourself.
Who is this guy at all? A cheap asslicker of Akufo Addo. How much have they been offering him for the nonsense he keeps spewing?
Apaloo, Apaloo Apaloo...........olu.
Then name the things he has done
Look at who is speaking. Because you are being given 4 by 4` and fat money in your bank account, so you want to throw dust into our eyes. No body is a fool like you to be praising this terrible Nana Akuffo-Addo Bawumia admini ...
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You're right. Akuffo Addo has done a great job. But the problem is his government and the Npp lack good communication skills. They haven't been able to tell Ghanaians what actually the president and his government has accompl ...
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Do we need some to tell us as Basic SchoolTeachers that, Capitation Grant is in arrears for Eight Tranches (8 Terms).
We need more patriots in Ghana like Akpaloo. A patriotic citizen is one who puts country above politics. Here is a guy who has his own party, but praising the good achievements of his opponents.
Stop sniffing that this, it's not good for your health. Aboa Pee
Thanks for your candid assessment.
But NDC and JDM did nothing for Ghana as you Kofi Akpaloo have stated severally?
Useless criminal village politician you gone.
Opinion of an ignorant man so fshs is the reason everyone is suffering???
Boy! This zombie of a man must be expecting an appointment from Akufo Addo in the reshuffle.
Who is this one too? Massa, keep your opinions to yourself.
The president in the name of Ghana borrowed over $70billion but nothing to show for it. He has bankrupt Ghana and present and future generations are in serious debt. Akkofo Addo has not done anything for Ghana but put them in ...
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When stupidity becomes an act of maintaining relevance. Akpalu woy3 aboa paaa. Womaame tw3 kankan
Another foolish stomach direction fake political animal.
It looks like this guy is slick. He knows he will never with to be president. So praise Akkufo-Addo to make some money and pretend to be in opposition.
Is quite pitiful to hear this failed man insult due to cheap politics. You could not run your private school, teachers salary in arrears yet you want to be president. Continue to be on the payroll of NPP
Hope this guy is OK. On the balance, what do we have?
What an idiot! How much were you paid by akufo-addo? Who are you anyway?
You must be a useless dumb ass-kissing idiot if you think this useless beggar President and nation-wrecker Akufo-Addo has done anything for Ghana other than preside over a Julor Ho ...
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You were given contracts so good for you. Kwasiato
Only thing Nana Addo have done is borrowing too much money from IMF which makes Ghana ones of the Poorest Nation on Earth,too many ministers and too much Corruption in Ghana maybe Atia Mahama is the worst more than him period ...
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Kofi A. Is one of the most dishonest, untruthful, insincere and hypocrite politician this country has ever had.
He isn't fit to be a romodal for the youth of this country. He will never stand for and speak for truth any day.
If Mahama had no hand in the shameful Airbus scandal, why can’t he have a ‘showdown’ with Amidu?
Ah! Na flying excavators,cash for seat oo ,Bawumia's stolen 10k bags of rice for Ramadan , Al-Jazeera Alister Daniel's gold deal with the president oo
Silly guy. Who gave him that money to steal for his friends and families and use few to build his dirty infrastructures you akpaloo see as good things? Taxes and our natural resources money is what nana addo team and mahama ...
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Why then did you contest him in 2020?