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Must you condemn everything?
Has this so-called former minister so soon forgotten about her own colleagues Hawa Koomson and that former NPP Akwatea MP?
They don’t think before talking. They simply say what they feel and not consider whether it is factual, appropriate or sensible. I am glad these guys are not in power. We really had idiots governing us.
Who are the NPP English speakers in parliament? Afenyo Markins, Mohammed Habib or Annor Dompreh? That Female Genital Mutilated woman and former information minister is a serious joke. NDC has many professors like Titus Beyuo, ...
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A DIRTY SMELLY ZONGO woman like FATIMATU also talking about English??. When did Zongo animals also start attending school??
English language is now a measure for minority and majority? Your minority is daydreaming if by spoken English they see themselves to be a majority. I speak good mandarin fluently and write hanzi very well, however, know matt ...
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That ugly woman with crocked face like hippopotamus.. I listened to her several times and can conclude that she doesn't come closer to oppong Nkrumah and her predecessors
With all her so called control over the English la ...
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Ebi English we Go chop ???
Kwasea Baa meaning foolish woman your thick face is like a chimpanzee ugly woman
NDC MP s are part baked.Fools voted for such fools
Fatumati is arrogant and feels speaks English like the British. She should go to London and speak and they may not know the type of English she is speaking. Her diction and word pronunciation will be something else
Govt should concentrate on it's rebuilding agenda and leave the fmr minister to look at the calibre of intellectuals in the govt and make a comparison with her party though there are gif materials in the npp like wontumi and ...
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Even during the international day of mother's tongue in Parliament where members spoke in the various Ghanaian languages the incompetent NDC members including you Ohene Kwame could not utter a word due to your incompetence. ...
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They should give Fatimatu Mathematical expressions with a formula and organic chemistry questions to solve with her English and see whether she can be a minister. Speaking English alone cannot do anything, Madam
@yes. Yea Speaking English alone doesn't make one a scholar. Science is the key. Yes for organic chemistry, ask her "how alcohols are converted to aldehydes and ketones". If her English can solve that.
But her vagina is more fluent than it was st school. It can speak many sounds!
Our default natural inclination is to our colonial masters. In even matters of time and finance we still look up to the west.
Sad judging one's intelligence base on English proficiency.
What's wrong with what she said?If what she said is wrong then parliament should not use English language for proceedings. Because most people don't understand well the language especially the Ndc side they always come out an ...
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She is a foolish material who sabe Angle than GanAdans
NDC MPs are more educated than NPP. We have the men Where are they
How proficient is she herself? That's the height of arrogance. Even native English folks don't take a swipe at foreigners who can't speak their language fluently
Hey MADAM MOTHER OF ENGLISH, Fatimatu! I guess she not normal and she should go back to school, I mean JSS where this childish and hmmmm are exhibited. Speaking a language eloquently doesn’t mean that you are genius. A lang ...
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Oh my God.....this shameless Girl has no respect at all. You are so stupid indeed. I am very disappointed in you....I use to admire you a lot. Next time think before you talk..
You have spoken well Hon Kwame. Just ignore that ass hole lady
Na English Ghanians Go chop???
Somebody should remind this stupid Fatimatu girl what Akufo Addo's daughter said about her father's ministers speaking very bad English.
Kwame Frimpong are you one of them who cannot express himself in English. Please talk about issues of importance.
This genital mutilated girl do not respect.
One term mp shut up
You are simply brainless
Fatimatu has still not co.e of their arrogance which sent them to opposition. Where did Fatimatu attended school and that of the ndc mps. It is your english proficiency which is not your language that has taken you into oppos ...
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Nana addoo speak English but he couldn't use the English to transform ghana but Azuma Nelson speaks bad english but he was able to use boxing to promote ghana .....English is just a language and any idiot can speak it.nan ...
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What has her proficiency in a borrowed language added to Ghana's growth during the tenure of the last government apart from huge external and internal debt weighing us all down in a quagmire of economic challenges?
Ghanaians rejected the well spoken NPP in a massive landslide seen in my lifetime. I was hoping your welcome spoken brofo from President to labourer could save you this heartbreak of defeat you're still going through
Rubbish, what kind of English does this woman even speak