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Hahahaha are you now realizing this or you were not here in the past 8 yrs? Even independent institutions bosses were sacked. You’re better of remaining silent.
Hmmmm. They sacked Charlotte Osei yayaaaaya. And replaced her with an NPP woman. Openly. What could we do? Hmmmm. We have suffered oooo
Qur'an is toilet paper. Burn all mosques in
O' Massa @Adu Ampomah, you have perfectly captured the true sentiment that anyone could express under the above article. Yes indeed, we were made to suffer greaty under those DEMONS who just left power! May that trauma never ...
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Indeed, the sense if better when people move to opposition
This foolish guy is finitely silly! Where were u when Domelevo was chased away?
Foolish man in parliament, you didn't say this when Mr Akufo Addo was the president
What is tenure of IGP in the constitution?
Today you have the opacity to speak when Akufo-Addo's was in power why didn't you talk him like you are saying now, hypocrite.
Idiots remain idiots and fools will remain fools. “Nyansah Kwasia sem” Keep spewing your nonsense to NPP foot soldiers, not we the NDC. They will be changed. Do your worst.
This particular guy is making me to have second thought about those who calls themselves pastors.
God this kind of people are making your work very difficult.
May your holy be praised.
Rev. Gyimi gyimii. Kwasia,.
Complete hypocrisy from a kwasia. Why didnt u tell ur nana addo abt that.
You will never speak sense da.
Are you immune to wisdom?
Our politicians are only good in opposition. What he's proposing is the best but why didn't he say this during his time. If we don't desist from removing heads of security services, in future a 'lunatic' security head would s ...
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Hypocrites like this one did you allow them to complete thier term's when you were in power? I'm suspecting Akuffo Addo and micro Minority wants to stage a Coup. I suspect them.
All the head of the Security services should b ...
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The Security heads serve at the pleasure of the CIC. Donald Trump last month sacked the Pentagon Chiefs at the start of his second term, because they supported inclusivity(for example, Lgbts, women in certain key positions an ...
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Nkwasiesemakwa... someone tell that NPP guy to wait when they come to power then they can implement his stupid talk.
Infact NPP and their educated idiots must keep quiet to observe good governance, they have now noticed how useless their regime was led by that wicked president, they have now come to their senses and complaining about everyt ...
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Osofo you have been insulted enough and so I won’t say much. Next time look yourself in the mirror before you talk. Get a history of Al the times your party came into power and how they have treated security chiefs. Let me ...
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Another FOOL
You just missed the big question . Do they act as professionals?
Ungodly people.
When your NPP starts rataining them, irrespective of the president or regime who appointed, the NDC would follow because Ghana "belongs" to you people. Kwasiaa4 buuluubuuluuu.
The truth is that Ghana public institutions are abhorrent of open discipline. The consider it to be disrespectful or arrogant. The prefer to work in imperfect institutions where bosses exercise discretion to grant favours and ...
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I wonder if some of these guys really have brains. Even under ur watch an IGP appointed by Nana addo, Appeatu was removed and replaced with dampare. Did u raise similar concerns? Idiot
Mahama' s government is very good. It has come to open people's brain and if they never had them before.
This Fordjour guy is not a Reverend. He sleeps with young young girls like kelewele. He is a womanizer as u see him.
Unfortunately, Rev. this call is too late.
Unfortunately, Rev. this call is too late.But for your perusal think of these names among others.
Charlotte Osei
Domelevo and the heads of the security agencies Akuffo Addo cane to meet them.
Are you that foolish?
You are just stupid always talking nonsense
If you were the one in power would you have done that.
Mahama even did well he maintained the deputy by making him the IGP still NPP has something to say
You are making mockery of yourself. I thought you are a pastor.
As for Ntim Fordjour guy...... sometimes I don't know the words to use for him....such an empty guy and too known.....
See this foolish man from Assin south called Rev
Hw3 ne gyimiii bi. Now you know idiot MP
Did akufo addo allow kudalor to finish his tenure in 2017??
Monkey. Wo maame twe paaaa!!
Npp think Ghanaians are very fools and stupid cos after they finish sch all teachers die and some of as did not get the chance to sch pls,u sack Charlotte,Demelavor,just to mention few u here today talking thrash, idiot
Yes a true foolish man has talked.
When his party wai ruling,he didn't know this
What did you tell okronfuo addo ?
Look at this one too