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NPP responds to NDC

Fri, 24 Jun 2011 Source: --

The Accra Youth Wing of the NPP has read with great amusement the effusions

of a so called Youth Working Committee (NYWC) of the NDC.

We know all Ghanaians share in our amusement.

The New game in town now to make some quick money is to form some NDC group.

The past few months have seen the mushrooming of groups such as AFRO,


These groups form up quickly, make some noise, and go collect their

paycheck. They disintegrate quickly as fights break out over the sharing of

the cash.

In the offensive vituperations of the new NYWC, they took issue with the NPP

for describing the Mills government as going backwards. We point out to

them that President Mills himself has described his government as slow. His

former boss Jerry Rawlings, founder of the NDC, has described the NDC

Government as not only slow, but also going in a backward direction!

The so called NYWE said the ‘enkoyie’ cry is an NPP propaganda. We point

out to them ‘enkoyie’ is indeed the cry of Ghanaians, including the FONKAR

members of the NDC. One just has to speak to ordinary Ghanaians in the

streets, in the trotros, to know this.

The so called NYWC accused our Campaign Communications Director of lying

about a 2005 publication. Our Communication Director did no such thing.

Asked if he would authenticate a 2005 publication, our Director said he

could not, as he had not seen the publication before, and as it was

different from the usual publications of the NPP on its achievements,

programmes and activities.

If the NYWC is genuinely looking for lies, they should go no further than

the office of the Vice President, which had peddled lies involving

international institutions such as the World Bank, USAID and the Millennium

Challenge Authority, on the very day the NYWC was giving their vituperation

on air.

The NYWC asked that our Communications Director be dismissed. This call of

such a mercenary group NYWC actually strengthens our confidence in our

Communications Director. If the NYWC wants a sacking, we refer them to the

campaign of Jerry Rawlings, NDC founder, his wife, and their supporters,

that the NDC should sack President Mills.

The mercenary NYWC also called for an apology from the NPP Flagbearer for

describing President Mills as “do little” and for increasing poverty in


What a laugh.

Infact, if criticizing the NDC government is a crime meriting apology, we

point out to the mercenary NYWC that J.J. Rawlings has described the

President Mills NDC government as “slow” “corrupt”, “weak” and


J.J. Rawlings originated the name “Atta Mortuary Man”, which today has

thrown national security operatives into a seizing frenzy.

It is NDC faithfuls who openly described President Mills as hallucinatory

and delusional. If the mercenary NYWC is looking for apology for not

praising President Mills, they should not look further that the NDC!

It is also strange to us, that a purported youth group is not interested in

the mass unemployment afflicting Ghanaian youth today and the nonpayment of

allowances to youth in the NYEP.

The NYWC took issue with the NPP putting pictures of monkeys in a book.

They said the monkeys were not smiling.

We can understand why the spokesman of the so called NYWC is so interested

in monkeys.

We hope that when this new group go to collect their payment, they would not

get about beating up on themselves.

Thank you for your attention.

For further information please contact:

Michael Ampong

(Greater Accra Regional Communication Director)

(Tel. : 0261 411 050/0271 632 229/0242 365 082/0201 847 019)


NPP Communications Directorate

NPP Headquarters, Asylum Down. Accra.

Dep. Director: Curtis Perry K. Okudzeto


Source: --