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So Otukonor was also expecting a post tweeaaaaa opuh toooh.He deserves to be a veranda boy forever.
Look at this idiot in the picture? Is he he retarded? Can somebody tell the moron to close his mouth before it becomes the nest of flies?
So what about that the VP's gay status? What I hate are these closet gays who marry women, making them miserable to cover up. Leave Oye alone, at least she is being honest and not lying like Mahama and the VP.
This is my first time of seeing his picture. I often hear his vociferous arguments on air from several fm stations. Tell the writer not to show his picture again in this forum to spare him the insults from the public.
When news got round that Lesbians and Homosexuals were being lynched elsewhere in Accra, all churches and Pastors were silent and dumb, including those insulting others on this forum.
It had to take people like Nana Oye who ...
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If i was a woman,i would prefer to marry this Peter OTUKONO guy because he's so intelligent and more handsome than kurunfuo kuffuor,osafo manfo,akuffo addicks,addicks kuffuo,and all those gorillas wanting to be president in G ...
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Your name says it all, GA MAN, what do you know? You've sold all your land so you are are homeless.
Heheheheheeeeeii,these are the monkeys i want to address on this forum.shoe shine boy hahahahaaaaaa,where were you sleeping when you came from that smelling so-called city of Ghana to Accra?were you not just a mere shoe shin ...
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mahama is himself gay. what do you expect
Why pick on Oye when your president, Mahama meets with gay activists, takes their money and comes to Ghana and lies about it. Is it not worse than Oye's private stand?
What do you expect when a president's American ally is a leading homosexual in matters of spreading this obnoxious practice world-wide, and a vice president is an alleged homosexual?
I will be in Guangzhou next Monday to buy some materials for my project,will you be there to help me load my containers?Or you are only into your drugs businesses?
Who give a crap whether you idiot with your dirty teeth is disappointed or not.
The veep is a known homosexual and now this Oye Lithur's ministerial appointment? Come on folks, NDC cannot wean herself off their homosexual trial.
But she will be CONFIRM and Ghanaians will be crying foul what a country called GHANA we live in
Rapists and Armed Robbers should not be arrested because it is their right to do what they like and that is what the enjoy doing and they must be supported if homosexuals are supported.
ANTI-CHRIST PEOPLE. may fire come fr ...
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Nana Oye has her defense from the supreme constitution. She said she is a human activist in accordnace with the constitution. Now the supreme constitution has not criminalized homosexuality and had given right to sexual orien ...
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