
AMA Warns Contractors

Fri, 29 Jun 2007 Source: GNA

Accra June 29, GNA - The Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) on Friday warned contractors to desist from subjecting the assembly to public ridicule by abandoning projects soon after contracts are awarded. Mr. Stanley Adjiri Blankson, Accra Metropolitan Chief Executive said some contractors after receiving awards, use monies allocated to them to complete old projects and abandoning new ones. "Using monies allotted for new projects to complete old projects would not be entertained. If you have any problems do not hesitate to contact the assembly."

The Mayor said this when he signed contracts for the commencement of school and sanitation facilities under the second Urban Environmental Sanitation Project (UESP II) in Accra. The projects were being funded by the World Bank, Agence Franciase de Development (AFD) and the government.

The 30-million dollar project includes the construction of toilets for 19 schools, six toilet facilities at Achimota Market, Nima and La. Others are the construction of household latrines, community upgrading at Abeka Wuoyeman, Alajo, Kpehe and Mampongse, construction of storm drains at Mataheko, Dzworwulu, Onyasia, Chemu and the Kwabenya landfill. The assembly has received bids on the community upgrading and storm drains but is yet to sign contract for them. "This is not the time for you to buy cars, organise big funerals and parties, we would not entertain any excuses from you if work is done haphazardly."

Mr Blankson said the monies allotted for the project would be paid on time and pleaded with contractors to work with in schedule and finish by February 2008.

Mr Blankson recounted the efforts made by government and the assembly in improving sanitation and appealed to the public to desist from throwing rubbish into drains. "Residents must use public places of convenience and not thrown black polythene with faeces around," he said. This, he said, brought about disasters such as flooding and illnesses and pleaded with all households to get toilet facilities as stipulated in the assembly's bye-laws.

The Mayor appealed to the public and the media to support the assembly and cooperate with contractors to deliver their assignments with dispatch.

Mr. John Kwasi Fletcher, Managing Director of F.T Sites Company Limited on behalf of the four other contractors complained about bureaucratic processes they go through before monies were released. Mr. Fletcher called for streamlining of all payments so that they could pay their suppliers on time.

Source: GNA