
Abeka Motorway 1 Basic School excels at Cowbell NCCE quiz competition

COW 1 winners of the first zonal quiz

Thu, 19 May 2016 Source: Jonas Nyabor

Abeka Motorway 1 Basic School have emerged winners of the first zonal quiz competition organized by the National Commission on Civic Education and Cowbell Ghana Limited.

The school beat three others; Abeka Motorway 2, Salvation Army 1 and Salvation Army 2 to win the competition held at Taborah in Accra as part of the annual NCCE zonal quiz competition on the constitution and civic responsibilities.

More than 200 pupils who turned up for the competition to support their respective schools engaged actively to make the cowbell sponsored program successful.

According to the Ga Central Municipal Director of the NCCE, Madam Cynthia Anima-Boadu, the competition was to encourage active citizenship and instill patriotism among the students who are the ‘future leaders’.

She said the municipality had noticed most of the student had very little knowledge about the constitution and national practices and so decided to hold the event to develop their interest in national activities.

Madam Anima-Boadu added that, although citizenship education is being taught in schools, more needs to be done to ensure the students are abreast and keep up the interest in the subject.

She lauded Cowbell Ghana limited for supporting the commission to organize the competition and called on other corporate organizations to emulate the gesture and support the commission in its subsequent activities.

According to the Brands manager of Cowbell Ghana Limited, Mr. Joseph Eshun, the company deemed it necessary to support the event to test the knowledge of the pupils on the country’s constitution and also to urge them to be interested in nation building and development.

He added that the company took great interest in promoting the active participation of its primary consumers, children in Ghana’s democratic process.

All participants of the competition were awarded assorted Cowbell products, with all pupils present at the event, being refreshed by the company.

This year’s Cowbell NCCE competition is being held at seven different schools within the Ga Central municipality and features over 37 schools on different days within the week.

The grand finale will be held in October.

Source: Jonas Nyabor