
Accra West Regional Office plants trees to observes environment day

Thu, 21 Jul 2011 Source: GNA

Accra, July 21, GNA - The Accra West Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday embarked on a tree planting Exercise at the University of Ghana, Legon, to help promote green economies.

The exercise, which formed part of efforts to raise awareness on sustainable management, conservation and maintainable development of all types of forests, was a regional event to commemorate World Environment Day which fell on June 5th.

The UN declared 2011 the International Year of Forests with the theme: "Forests: Nature at your Service."

Some staff of the University, EPA and pupils from University of Ghana Staff Village Junior High School, joined the exercise to plant 1,200 trees, which took place at the Alumni centre, the pentagon and part of Okponglo near Legon.

Mr Kwabena Badu-Yeboah, Acting Director of Accra west of the EPA said the regional event followed the national one, which was held on June 6th, and said the choice of the University was demand-driven because last year's exercise at the same location was 70 per cent successful.

Apart from making life nicer, he said, spending time among trees and green spaces, reduced the amount of stress, adding that trees improved air quality by filtering harmful dust and pollutants such as ozone, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide from the air we breathe.

He added that trees reduced the amount of storm water runoff, which reduced erosion and pollution in waterways and might reduce the effects of flooding while many species of wildlife depended on them for habitat among others.

According to him, Ghanaians should value the environment and strive to attain environment sustainable development with sound and efficient resource management, taking into account social and equity issues.

Mr Badu-Yeboah said the mission of the EPA was to co-manage, protect and enhance the country's environment as well as seek common solutions to global environmental problems.

Mr John Kwao Sackey, Ga East Municipal Assembly said tree planting exercise were important exercises that should be embraced by all and urged Ghanaians to inculcate habit in the youth.

Source: GNA