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Adenta Chief Imam marks World Youth Skills Day

Screenshot 2024 07 23 131921.png Holding the microphone is the Adenta Municipal Chief Imam, Sheikh Mohammed Mutawakil

Tue, 23 Jul 2024 Source: Faisal Mustapha,Contributor

The Adenta Municipal Chief Imam, Sheikh Mohammed Mutawakil, held a forum for the youth in Adenta Municipality on the importance of acquiring a skill.

The forum was part of the activities marking the World Youth Skills Day 2024, which is held on July 15 every year and has been designated by the United Nations to empower youth through skills training.

It was also in line with the Adenta Chief Imam's commitment to empower and develop the youth through skills training and entrepreneurship.

The forum aimed to equip the Muslim youth in Adenta with the necessary skills for engaging in productive activities. The goal was to enable them to create decent jobs for themselves and to steer clear of activities that could lead them into trouble.

The well-attended and colorful event was held at the Center for Crowns of Light under the theme Skills for Peace and Development.

The UN World Youth Skills Day is a global recognition of the critical importance of equipping young people with skills for employment, decent work, and entrepreneurship.

The forum brought together youth and individuals with various skills to participate in the well-attended event.

Resources persons from the Ghana Prison Service, the Ghana TVET Service, and Islamic Scholars, among others, had the opportunity to educate and bring hope to the teeming youth who are engaged in skills training and encourage those without skills to enroll in any form of skill training.

The Northern Regional Coordinator of the Ghana TVET Voucher Project, Ibrahim Yusif Osman, outlined the opportunities his office is offering to youth who are already engaged in skills training. They can enroll to upgrade themselves in their respective professions and obtain certificates.

He urged the youth to tap into TVET programs, adding that the Ghana Job and Skill Training Apprenticeship Program is an opportunity that will help idle youth to learn a skill and become self-employed.

Engineer Adam Issah, Manager of Civil Maintenance and Electrical Services in the Premises Division of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), urged the youth to join the Youth in Innovation and Electrical Engineering program as there are opportunities available at the company's training center.

He said that the ECG offers a variety of courses at the training school, including solar energy, electromechanical energy, air conditioning, electrical installation and maintenance, solar panels, batteries, transformers, and general power systems.

The courses, he said, are for WASSCE, diploma, and degree certificate holders who are trained to bring all hands on deck to enhance growth and innovation. He stressed that there are centers in some parts of the country, as well as on the ECG website, where one can apply and enroll.

The National Imam of the Ghana Prison Service, Imam ADP Mohammed Mukhtar Adam, expressed concern over the high number of productive youth in Ghana's prisons for various offenses. He urged the youth to refrain from activities that could result in their incarceration.

He called on the youth to take advantage of the opportunity that this year's World Youth Skills Day forum has brought to them by applying for TVET programs.

He said there would be less hope for the country's future if the youth, who are the upcoming leaders, spent the prime of their lives in prison.

In his address, the Municipal Chief Imam, Sheikh Mohammed Mutawakil, stated that the development of youth skills is not just an option but a necessity.

According to him, the development of youth skills is not just an option; it is a necessity. He adds that technology and globalization continue to reshape societies, and the skills imparted to young people determine their future and the future of communities.

The youth, he said, are the backbone of any nation and therefore possess the energy, creativity, and potential to drive change and progress.

He said that to harness the potential in the youth, it is imperative to provide young people with the necessary tools and opportunities.

He said the future of the communities and the world lies in the hands of the youth. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all to nurture their talents, support their dreams, and equip them with the skills they need to succeed.

He urged all stakeholders to work together to create a brighter and more prosperous future for the youth.

Speaking on peace ahead of the upcoming elections, the Adenta Municipal Imam emphasized that peace is the foundation upon which all other issues depend for survival. Therefore, it is crucial for everyone to contribute to the preservation and advancement of the peace that the country is currently experiencing.

Islam, he said, means peace. He called on Muslim youth to be the ambassadors of peace in the country, adding that the Zongos are often tagged as violent areas in the country.

He noted that the time has come for all Muslims to change the narrative by ensuring that they are not used for violent activities by anyone, for whatever reason.

He said one can achieve almost everything without violence but by using available legal avenues such as community leadership, government agencies, and reasonable public pressure whenever necessary.

"Let peace lead the way in our religious differences, our families, our communities, and in our politics. There's no substitute for peace, so let's cherish it jealously, he noted.

Source: Faisal Mustapha,Contributor