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Administrative injustices cases on the increase in Obuasi

Mon, 25 Aug 2008 Source: GNA

Obuasi, Aug 25, GNA - The Commission for Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) has expressed concern about increases in administrative injustices and matrimonial related cases in the Obuasi municipality.

Out of 104 cases the Commission received between January and July, 71 of them were matrimonial related cases with the rest being administrative injustices, corruption and other related issues. Mrs Cynthia Martinson, the Obuasi sub-Regional Director of CHRAJ, said this at a discussion on women's rights and domestic violence.

"Administrative injustices are on the increase in the municipality because of the presence of AngloGold Ashanti Company." The discussion was organised by Kaleo Area Women's Development Association (KAWDA), an Obuasi-based non-government organisation, under its People's Rights and Participation for Development (PERPAD) project. Over 50 persons including chiefs, queens, women groups and institutions such as the media, social welfare, National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) and Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit (DOVVSU) of the Police Service participated in the programme. Mrs Martinson condemned the situation where out of poverty, some mothers push their girl-child into sexual practices for money to service the home. "You are not in anyway helping the child. It is better to go hungry for the day rather than forcing your child into sexual abuse without considering the dangers involved", she said. The Director of KAWDA, Mr Albert M. Annadie, said that violence against women was a common scene despite the enactment of legal instruments protecting women rights.

Source: GNA