Beneficiaries pose with members of the Foundation after the donation
Agro-Star Foundation, a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) has donated food items to selected widows and vulnerable persons in Tamale.
Beneficiaries received food items including; rice, cooking oil and packaged cereals worth GH¢ 6,200, as part of the Organisation's Widows ‘mite.
The organisation has two schemes. The one designed to provide food items, cash and health screening for widows and the needy on monthly basis, and the other providing educational scholarship for needy tertiary students.
The Widow's Support Scheme further covers skills training for beneficiaries in soap making, food processing, beads making, among others.
Beneficiaries under this support scheme are supported with business capital and monitored until they become financially independent.
Prophet Thomas M. Teog, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Agro-Star Foundation, said although it was the organisation's first donation in Tamale, the support programme began in 2016 from Bolgatanga and had served a number of people, mostly on recommendation, and they were investigated and confirmed as people who had difficulty getting three square meals daily.
He said the organisation had projected to serve about 2000 beneficiaries within three years in Tamale, to reduce poverty through the provision of basic needs, and empower them to do petty trading and other small businesses.
He appealed to individual philanthropists and organisations to support the schemes with funding, adding that the organisation's funding currently solely depended on four individuals. “The scheme needed more support to provide for more people".