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Akatsi North DCE denies hoarding streetlights

Akatsi Streetlight Street light. File photo.

Sun, 24 Jul 2016 Source:

The Akatsi North District Chief Executive (DCE), James Gunu has dismissed claims that he’s hoarding streetlights to fix them few weeks to the December general elections.

According to him, he’ll not deliberately deny the good people of Akatsi North of what they rightfully deserve because of political gains.

His comment follows allegations made by an Opinion Leader and Secretary to the Ave Council of Chiefs in the Akatsi North District, Mr. Mc-Solo Dziwornu Ziddah, who is alleging that the DCE has kept all the parts which can make the street lights function in the house of one of the top Assembly gurus only to fix them in days to the election, when residents are in dire need of the facility.

“The rumours have had it that the Assembly gurus are awaiting to have these street lights start functioning a few weeks to the December elections so as to deceive the people that the lights have been provided out of passion by the incumbent Member of Parliament so all should vote for him. In other words, these street light parts will be used to campaign for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) party in the run-up to this year’s elections”, Mr Ziddah added.

He further alleged that of the over thirty-two street lights, only four of them are functioning along the streets of the district capital, and that, “In the Ave-Dakpa market for instance, most of the flood lights which illuminate some parts of the market have also been out of order for almost a year now.”

But speaking to Kasapa News, the DCE Hon. James Gunu explained that he has no streetlights in his possession as he has allocated the facility to all the areas which had pressing need for them.

“After the district level election we had about four hundred street lights, soon after the assembly men took office, I started sharing the streetlights for the twelve electoral areas in the district. Ten pieces each was allocated to the assembly members to be fixed in their electoral areas.

Later I added another ten for each area. The Senior High School in the area also had twenty pieces, Chiefs and Opinion leaders in the district who had requested from street lights also received their share.

“Areas such as Have and Ave where there are faulty streetlights an Electrical contractor has been contracted to work on them. Those that have requested for the lights will have their share when there’s another consignment.”

Hon. James Gunu added that he has the people of Akatsi North at heart and will not withhold anything good from them as he’s there to serve them.
