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Alleged Sokode killer arrested, confesses wife was not the target

Prison 11 Police have arrested the suspected killer in connection with murder of Esther Amoasi

Mon, 10 Jul 2017 Source:

The Ziope and the Sokode Police in a joint operation have arrested the suspected killer in connection with the murder of Esther Amoasi, a mother of three and wife of the suspect at Sokode Bagble in the Ho Municipality of the Volta region.

The suspect, Joshua Ababio, a kente weaver, was arrested at Ziope following a tip-off. Two other suspects, Ben and Lucky were arrested on Saturday at Sokode Bagble.

The prime suspect, Joshua Ababio has admitted their involvement at various stages of the murder and said he contracted Ben and Lucky for GHC 500.00 to kill one Gershon who is suspected to be dating Esther. According to Joshua, his friend Lucky revealed to him that Gershon was dating Esther, so they hashed the plan to assassinate him.

Corporal Precious Dogbey, the CID in-charge of the case told the that the suspect revealed to the police that on Friday, July 7, 2017, they laid an ambush at the entrance of Esther’s house with the intention of tracking Gershon.

Unfortunately, when they knocked at the door, Esther came out and Lucky hit her head with a two-by-four wood thinking that it was Gershon. This led to her death and the suspects sensing danger carried her and damped at a nearby stream about 100 metres from her house.

The three suspects are in the grips of the police in Ho pending investigations. Corporal Dogbey indicated to that the suspects will be arranged before the court by the close of the week.
