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Allow children to engage in co-curricula activities

Sun, 9 Jul 2006 Source: GNA

Kumasi, July 9, GNA - Parents have been implored to allow their children to take part in extra-curricula activities to enable them unearth their hidden innate potentials.

Mrs. Theodocia Jackson, Headmistress of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology KNUST) JSS, who made the appeal in Kumasi on Saturday said the holistic training of a child included co-curricula activities, which had been carefully woven into the schools academic programme to help nurture the hidden talents in children, which very often propel them into ultimate stardom in future. She was speaking at the 11th Speech/Prize giving and Graduation ceremony of the school held the under the theme "Parental Irresponsibility, a menace to Society" during which all the 466 candidates who sat for this year's Basic Education Certificate (BECE), received their certificates.

Mrs. Jackson expressed concern about the attitude of some parents who went to the extent of threatening their wards with withdrawal if they took part in any other activities of the school apart from the strict classroom work, saying that the notion that co-curricula activities were a mere waste of time must be corrected. She mentioned some alumni of the school who are now celebrants in the field of football and music because of their earlier avidity for such activities when in the school.

"The honour such students attain is proudly shared by not only the schools they attended but their parents who even are the greatest beneficiaries" she added

Touching on the theme for the occasion, she regretted that the issue of bad and irresponsible parenting had now become the norm bringing in its wake delinquency, truancy, substance abuse, sex promiscuity, armed robbery, occultism and mobile phone snatching among others

Mrs. Jackson referred to recent media reports on the spate of youth involvement in crime and said indiscipline had become so pervasive that those who cared to correct the canker were branded wicked and unfriendly, but wondered how the Nation could thrive without it. The occasion was attended by Professor Kwesi Andam, Vice chancellor, and staff of the University, parents, guardians and invited guests, who were earlier treated to performances by the school's gymnasium group, the cadet corps and the Band as well as the Kete group and the choir.

Source: GNA