The report by ADR disclosed that some caretakers pose as landlords to demand sex from the women
It has been revealed that some landlords in Ashaiman in the Greater Accra region have been demanding sex as rent from their female tenants.
This is according to a detailed report published by the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Centre.
The annual 2017 report of the ADR, Ashaiman Centre, said: “In some cases, landlords exchange rent with sex for a period”.
The report said some caretakers took advantage of female prospective tenants and demand for sex even though they were not the owners of the houses.
Referring to one of the situations observed during the report, the ADR said one caretaker took advantage of a landlord’s absence to rent out an apartment to a lady for two years.
The report said, the caretaker used his position to coerce the lady into an affair and verbally extended her rent for two further years in the process. It further revealed that the caretaker continued his affair with the said tenant even though she was heavily pregnant with another man.
According to the ADR, the caretaker ordered the lady to vacate the room after she broke up with him but she refused because they had a two-year verbal tenancy agreement.
It took the intervention of ADR mediators for the caretaker to compensate the lady when the real landlord demanded his property.
In a separate incident, the report also mentioned a case in which a landlord caught his wife having sexual intercourse with a tenant leading to his ejection.
The report indicated that a total of 825 rent cases were recorded in 2017, which was a slight improvement from the number recorded the previous year.
The reasons for these cases, the ADR Centre said, was as a result of financial constraint, high increment on rent, failure to pay rent on time primarily as a result of job losses, keeping pets and entertaining visitors contrary to their tenancy agreements, among others.