
Ashaiman presents three-year Development Plan to TMA

Thu, 1 Apr 2004 Source: GNA

Tema, March 31, GNA- A three-year Strategic Development Plan aimed at improving the quality of life of people in Ashaiman, was on Tuesday, presented to the Tema Municipal Assembly. The plan, which was prepared in accordance with the Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy, also has development prospects for the year 2004-2006. It was sponsored by IBIS Ghana, a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) with support from Public Participation in Local Governance, (PPGL) a consultancy firm.

In a short address the Director of PPLG, Ms Birgitte Rasmussen noted that when PPLG started operating in Ashaiman it realised the area needed a strategic plan to act as a guide to help transform the area. She however, said that the smooth implementation of the plan required the involvement of all development actors both inside and outside the Ashaiman and called on NGOs and all stakeholders to assist in making it workable. The involvement of these actors would help reduce the cost and share responsibilities since the zonal council cannot finance and undertake the activities alone.

The Tema Municipal Chief Executive, Mr Evans Ashong Narh, said Ashaiman should be a model council to most Assemblies in the country. He regretted that due to the attitude and behaviour of some people a lot of money has been spent in the area, especially on sanitation and gave the assurance that the assembly would not relent on its efforts in ensuring good sanitary conditions in the Municipality. Mr Narh mentioned the free-range method of rearing animals in the town, which causes in-sanitary conditions and inconveniences to neighbours who have their properties damaged. He said this year the assembly's Environmental Health workers have arrested 18 cattlemen who would be put before court.

The MCE pointed out that the implementation of the strategic Plan involves a lot of money and could be easier done if revenue mobilisation was well done in the area.

Chairman of the Zonal Council, Commander (Rtd) Ata Adomako Kwabiah, presented the document to the MCE and said it is a development chart to guide Ashaiman in its developmental strategies.

In a related development, a 15-member Disaster Management Committee has been inaugurated by the Tema Municipal Chief Executive, Mr Evans Ashong Narh, to plan and co-ordinate disaster management in the area. The MCE is Chairman and the Regional NADMO Co-ordinator as its Secretary. The 15-member committee has representatives from the Ghana Health Service (GHS), Town and Country Planning, Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Social Welfare and the Security Services.

Source: GNA