
Assemblies to train youth for oil industry

Thu, 13 Feb 2014 Source: GNA

Assemblies in the six coastal districts along the Jubilee Oil Field in the Western Region have been urged to identify people for training to make them employable in the oil/gas industry.

Mr. Bishop Akolgo, Executive Director of the Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC), which is into advocacy for social and economic justice, made the call at a day’s validation workshop in Takoradi.

He said the move would have a greater impact better than tackling the job issue on an individual basis.

To make it more workable, however, Mr Akoglo stressed the need for the six district assemblies to form a committee which would lookout for qualified people to offer them further training and later find jobs for them with the oil companies.

The workshop was organised by ISODEC for planning officers and Civil Society drawn from the six district assemblies namely, Jomoro, Nzema East, Ahanta West, Ellembelle, Shama and Sekondi/Takoradi.

It was to discuss a report on the economic development of the area with a view to contributing towards development.

The Executive Director said: “Failure of the assemblies to heed to the call would lead to others to migrate from elsewhere to take over the jobs and they would have themselves to blame.”

“Three or four assemblies should come together to put ideas together and plan ahead for your people,” Mr Akolgo said.

Mr. Bernard Anaba, Policy Analyst of ISODEC, said the survey was conducted on the local economic situation of the six coastal districts and the impact of the oil/gas activities on their livelihood with a view to developing a model.

The study concentrated on agriculture as that area had the potential to generate more income.

Mr. Anaba said the ISODEC aimed at assisting some selected district assemblies to plan income generating activities to uplift development.

During an open forum, the participants identified various lapses that must be streamlined and incorporated into the assemblies plans to generate income for development.

They mentioned proper planning on land use, re-afforestation and reclamation of lands, enhancement of infrastructure and construction of silos to store food stuffs among other things.

Source: GNA