
Assemblyman secures support to fix damaged boreholes

Boreholes Assemblyman Assemblyman secures support to fix damaged boreholes

Tue, 23 Jun 2020 Source: Nuhu Zulka, Contributor

The Assemblyman for Canteen Electoral Area in the West Gonja Municipality of the Savannah Region,hon. Ananpansah B. Abraham has secured the support of a community member to fix damaged taps, water hoses among others of two mechanised boreholes.

Mr.Alhassan Sulemana Alancash,a successful Canteen born businessman based in Accra came to the aid of the community after the assembly member had disclosed to him the extent of wastage of water and burden the inherited broken parts of the two mechanized boreholes were posing the community.

The businessman responded to the plea of the honourable Assemblyman by fully funding the fixing of all 12 damaged taps of the two mechanised boreholes serving the community and parts of Damongo township. This includes six taps for each borehole.

Water hoses that would reduce the hitherto stress people with gallons go through to fetch the water have also been fitted to each of the boreholes. General repair works on some broken parts of the boreholes that until now, caused unnecessary spillage of the water were also carried out.

In what signifies the old adage of "giving back to society, the benevolent gesture by Mr.Sulemana Alancash is born out of love for his community.

The two mechanized boreholes which are under the direct supervision and management of the Municipal Water Board aside other damages, had all the taps broken down for some time now.

The Assemblyman disclosed that he had on several occasions notified the Municipal Water Board about the damages and the need for a quick fix but to no avail. This compelled him to call for external support to salvage a situation he had inherited in order to ameliorate the plight of the people.

The taps, aside from the other broken parts he revealed, were all fastened with ties long before he assumed office, causing unnecessary leakages and wastage of the water.

On assumption of office, the young assemblyman said he was determined to bring changes to the "decade long problem.

He commended Mr.Sulemana for coming to the aid of the community, describing the gesture as a mark of a true Canteen Yaaro.

Like Oliver Twist, however, he called on him to still continuo to extend his benevolent hand of support to the community in other areas of endeavor, whilst appealing to other well-meaning members of the community and organizations to come to their aid as there are many unresolved challenges in the Electoral Area.

According to him, to work effectively as an assemblyman it's very essential to establish a good rapport with people of influence who can support your course beyond the assembly, adding that, "I will continue to lobby and expand my network towards the agenda of gradual and total reformation of the Canteen Electoral Area".

The Development Journalist said it was his vision to stay committed, leave a mark for posterity, and see the Canteen Electoral Area as a shining example of "bringing good governance to the doorsteps of the people.

It was his hope that the community will support him to ensure the proper management of the water resources within the area.

He said as part of an effort to ensure the proper management of the water resources in the community, his regime superintendent over the formation of a Nine (9)-Member Water Resource Management Committee for the electoral area.

It can be recalled that the assemblyman wrote a letter to the West Gonja Municipal Water Directorate compelling them to implement the president's free water supply in his electoral area and beyond.

Residents of the community who spoke to PAD FM were full of praises for the intervention.

They thanked the businessman for coming to the aid of the community, noting that the initial state of the boreholes caused a lot of wastage of the water and delayed the process of fetching water, since, they had to rely on few taps which were not even in good shape.

The Assemblyman was also commended for conveying the plight of the people to the senior Canteen Yaaro who eventually responded positively to fixing the challenges.

A resident who came to fetch water from one of the boreholes with gallons disclosed to PAD FM News that, it has now become very easy,fast, and convenient to draw water from the borehole with his gallons from any location. And that, there was no more wastage of the water as a result of spillage from broken parts.

He was full of gratitude to the businessman for the support, whilst expressing confidence in the abilities of the Assemblyman to lobby for more development for the area.

According to him, the Assemblyman has started very well and will surely take the Canteen Electoral Area to the promised land. He encouraged others to emulate a good example of Mr.Sulemana.

The businessman together with his elder brother has also jointly donated a cash sum of Ghc500.00 to help fix a broken borehole at Canteen Farmer's Council.

Source: Nuhu Zulka, Contributor