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Black man guilty of failing to document history - Lawrence Tetteh

Lawrence Tetteh Speaks Dr Lawrence Tetteh

Thu, 2 Mar 2017 Source: GNA

Dr Lawrence Tetteh, an International Evangelist has observed that the Black Race is guilty of failing to document their life stories to enable generations unborn to learn key life lessons.

“The current generation, I hasten to add are equally guilty. We must break this trend!

“Sadly, we have inadequate documentation on the following areas: National history, culture, ethnic practices, indigenous food, herbal medicine, literary works such as wise sayings and proverbs, indigenous and appropriate technology, discoveries in all sphere or sectors of our lives, heroes and heroines.”

Dr Tetteh, also an Economist, made the observation at the 80th Anniversary celebration of Ghanata Senior High School, which was marked with a Speech and Prize Giving Day at Dodowa in the Greater Accra Region on the theme: ‘‘Ghanata at 80, Advancing into the future.

Speaking on the topic: “The role of Reading and Research in Attaining Academic Excellence,” said as result Africa had lost a whole lot of invaluable treasures, which today would have added on to the gifts the Almighty had endowed us with as a race.”

“This has also resulted in our under-development in comparison with other regions of the world especially the Far East who only a few years back were at par with us. Malaysia, Singapore and Korea.

“The current generation have a huge gap in their knowledge of the traditional and cultural history of our communities, in some cases resulting in chieftaincy disputes, placing the wrong people the chance to occupy sensitive positions in our communities.

“Interesting and obvious historical places and landmarks such as the famous Proverbial Dodowa Forest, Tseku Waterfall, Shai Hills and Bondazie Landscape have scanty literature on their history and cultural significance…In my opinion, we all have an obligation to ensure that we speak less and write more.”

Dr Tetteh said gone were the days when schools in Africa were fashioned solely around the African culture, traditions and concept of doing things.

He commended the founding fathers of the School for their vision in leaving Ghanata establishing Ghana.

Source: GNA