Dirty water used by residents for domestic activities at Bormase/Sekesua
Residents of Bormase/Sekesua in the Upper Manya Krobo District of the Eastern Region walk two kilometres before they can access unclean water from the Bruku stream for domestic use.
The only boreholes in the community have broken down.
The stream is nestled between two valleys, therefore, whenever it rains, clayey water flows from both sides of the mountain into the stream which makes it murky and unsafe for consumption.
The Assemblyman for Sekesua electoral area, Mr Terkpertey Abraham, in an interview with Class News’ Kamal Ahmed, revealed that the residents have been struggling for clean and safe water after their few boreholes broke down in Bormase Ternya, Bormase, Agbom, Agbelitsom, and Sekesua.
He indicated that he has informed the Upper Manya District Assembly in Asesewa about the situation but nothing has been done about it.
Mr Terkpetey further disclosed that his checks with a borehole engineer indicate that it will cost GH¢1,500 to fix one.
He is, therefore, appealing to Krobos in the diaspora and other stakeholders to come to the aid of the communities.