
Builsa District Assembly improves education

Thu, 24 Feb 2011 Source: GNA

Sandema (U/E), Feb 24, GNA - The Builsa District Assembly has embarked on building educational infrastructure to meet the needs of the District. Whilst some of the projects have been completed and are in use, the constructions of others are ongoing.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency after inspecting some of the projects= , the District Chief Executive, Mr Norbert Awulley, said over 99 schools had been earmarked for construction and rehabilitation.

He said the intention was not only to do away with the under tree school= s but also to make adequate room for the high enrolment figure. Mr Awuley said so far 72 primary schools, including three private schools, and 27 junior high schools in the area had benefited from the education infrastructure development. He said the District was divided into eight circuits and all had benefited.

He said the Sandema and Fumbisi Senior High schools had also benefited and had no problem with accommodation. The Leadership Training Institute in Sandama circuit was also under construction. Mr Awuley said over 3,000 dual desks have been supplied to schools in th= e area and the distribution is still ongoing. He said by the end of the year all unfinished school projects would be completed to address the challenges confronting education in the area. Mr Awuley said the District Assembly was also supporting teacher trainee= s and bonded them to teach in the area after completion.

Source: GNA