
C/R Heads Are Hindering Productivity

Fri, 14 Feb 2003 Source: .

The Central Region Co-ordinating Director, Mr Roger Angsomwine has lashed out at what he termed the "virus of indiscipline" among civil servants in the region.

He expressed regret that most of the heads of departments "come to and close from work as and when they like and do not have the courage or moral justification to correct their subordinates when they report late for work.

Mr Angsomwine said this when Dr. Alex Glover-Quartey, Head of the Civil Service, held his maiden meeting with heads of decentralised departments and district co-ordinating directors in the region, at the residency, Cape Coast. Mr Angsomwine spoke about civil servants' leaking of information and suggested that all civil servants be made to swear the oaths of secrecy, allegiance and the official oath in accordance with the Civil Service Law without delay. He mentioned inadequate staffing as one of the basic problems facing the district assemblies and the decentralised departments and said only three out of the twelve districts are headed by substantive co-ordinating directors.

Mr Glover-Quartey called on civil servants to "help build a civil service with a new image". He briefed them on planned training programmes to enhance their output as well as his desire to improve working conditions for them, but cautioned: Dr Glover-Quartey later met workers at the Cape Coast town Hall where he appealed to them to work hard to increase productivity.

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