
C/R district education directors end quarterly conference.

Sun, 1 Oct 2006 Source: GNA

Breman Asikuma (C/R), Oct.1, GNA - The Third Quarterly Conference of Central Region District Directors of Education conference has ended at Breman Asikuma on Thursday with a call on them to address the poor examination results of some schools in the district.

The conference, attended by all 12 district directors, reviewed their past activities, policies and formulated new strategies to improve the academic standard of students in their districts. They discussed issues such as the relationship with the district Assembly and other departments, the capitation Grant, school feeding, additional enrolment of teachers, as well as the youth Employment programme being promoted by the government.

Mrs Janet Ama Lassey, Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa, district director, hoped the conference would outline policies that would help promote education in the region.

Mr Antwi Bosiako, the district co-ordinating Director, said education is a tool in poverty fighting and urged them to ensure that good policies were put in place to enable children to have assess to quality education.

He tasked the directors to periodically visit their district assemblies and interact with the District Chief Executives on issues relevant to the promotion of education. 01 Oct. 06

Source: GNA