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‘Church and Politics have lost direction and purpose’

Wed, 18 Feb 2015 Source: GNA

The Church and Politics have become money grabbing entities rather than instruments for serving humanity, Right Reverend Dr. Seth Senyo Agidi, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) observed.

“People today clamour for leadership positions in the church and government because they misconstrued those positions as means of amassing wealth rather than a call to serve humanity”, he lamented.

Rt. Rev. Dr. Agidi was preaching on the theme, “greatness through service-Jesus’ example” based on Mark Chapter 10: 35 to 45 at the burial of the late Rev. Robert Kwami Dogoe, a retired educationist and a Minister of the E.P. Church at Dodome Awuiasu near Ho.

The late Rev. Dogoe, 92 years, was once chaplain of Kpedze Secondary School and District Pastor in a number of pastoral districts of the Church.

Rt. Rev. Dr. Agidi said politics and the church were being disdained by the people because of the get- rich-quick attitude and affluence displayed by some people at the helm of affairs in those institutions.

The Moderator said some of the numerous inter and intra party, communal, tribal and religious conflicts could be traced to people selfishly striving for greatness, fame and wealth.

“Greatness in life is not only measured by wealth but how one dedicates his or her life to the service of others,” he said.

He said it was wrong to assume that the quickest and easiest way of making money and achieving greatness was to enter politics or form a church.

Right Reverend Agidi said Jesus Christ the founder of the Christian religion was an embodiment of a selfless servant to the extent of washing the feet of his disciples.

Rt. Rev. Dr. Agidi therefore urged those in leadership positions, especially the church, to eschew covetousness and emulate the altruistic leadership qualities of Jesus Christ and serve in humility.

“Great men of yester-years left their foot prints behind not because of their wealth but because they served humanity altruistically and devotedly,” he said.

Source: GNA