
Collaborate to eradicate illegal land leases – Nadu Klortey Wulomo

OSU Lands Woluumor.png Nadu Klortey Wulomo in Osu, Wor-Lumor Boni Nuumo Noi Osekan Kpenuku II

Wed, 12 Jun 2024 Source: Kay Agbenyega, Contributor

The Nadu Klortey Wulomo in Osu, an Accra suburb, Wor-Lumor Boni Nuumo Noi Osekan Kpenuku II has called on government to collaborate with Osu GaDangme lands and allodial owners to ensure accountability regarding transactions on lands given in trust or leased illegally.

In a release, Wor-Lumor Boni Nuumo Noi Osekan Kpenuku II stated "We are ready to collaborate with the government, businesses and all other partners for OsGadangme development. But we insist on an equitable role, one where our voices are heard, our ownership respected and our people's interest protected."

Also, this collaboration, according to the Wulomo, would allow Osu, GaDangme lands and allodial owners to harmonize visions and co-create solutions serving all stakeholders because of its vision which seeks to look forward to a future where lands are judiciously utilized, and cultural heritage are preserved for residents properly through new opportunities.

He further stated that Osu GaDangme Lands and Allodial owners seek openness and accountability regarding transactions on lands given in trust or leased illegally, stressing that “Let us resolve these issues to forge ahead justly as one people belonging to one nation."

Read Nadu Klortey Wulomo in Osu:

On Achimota Lands, the Achimota College (Cambridge College as it was then known) acquired about 770 acres of Osu lands to set up a school. Only 447 acres were used, leaving 323 acres. Osu was in court and got 172.26 acres from the judgement toward the socio-economic development of its people.

This matter travelled to the Supreme Court and the matter was ruled in favour of Osu; like the proverbial 'Kwaku Ananse' stories, various documents and adverse claims started popping out from people and families who claimed to be clients of Nana Akufo Addo's Law firm.

Then again, the minister of land and mineral resources of the Nana Akufo Addo's government came out with a statement on the Achimota Forest which forms part of Osu lands, purported to be a government land taken over with the power of legislation.

Again, regarding lands near 37 Military Hospital, the trotro station and the military base ordinance towards the airport ordained for the second phase of the airport city development, we were excluded from government plans to unilaterally allocate these ancestral lands (which were required for military facilities) to unique Development Company Limited, which we have evidence of.

Similar opacity surrounds the Airport city lands, which were sold off-market for 89 million dollars to foreign entities like Heaven Builders of Nigeria. This was far below that $139 million that was originally costed for the land. The Osu stool was not consulted or engaged in this transaction involving ancestral lands under our custodianship. We must be informed, consulted, and given a seat to review proposals and contracts.

While supporting development, "we insist on engagement as rightful custodians." Osu seeks active, equitable participation in shaping all projects on land tied to our heritage to uphold accountability to benefit our people.

Also, regarding the Marine Drive Project, Osu GaDangme lands and allodial owners were initially engaged when Togbe Afede XXI and Dr. Sonne approached with plans. However, the original proposal encroached heavily on the Osu coastline and our ancient quarter of Anerhor. Though revised after consultations, since the sod-cutting ceremony, Osu GaDangme Lands and Allodial owners have been excluded entirely, despite the project occupying large swaths of ancestral coastal lands.

I say with authority that I was substituted on the demise of the Osu Mantse,

The court document is with us, and in due time, we shall demand to know what is going on. Backroom deals and funds are reportedly changing hands involving private entities, without transparency or accountability to us as custodians.

As allodial owners of the soil of Osu GaDangme lands and allodial owners, we insist on being fully informed and involved in all the Marine Drive Projects decisions implicating Osu lands.

Source: Kay Agbenyega, Contributor