
Communities share water with Pigs in Jaman South

Pigs2 The pigs drink water from a river which the residents use for their domestic use

Wed, 4 Apr 2018 Source:

Water borne-disease outbreak looms in four communities in the Kofiko-Baanafor Electoral Area in the Jaman South District of the Brong Ahafo Region, as four communities share water with pigs on daily basis.

The four communities in the Jaman South District of the Brong Ahafo Region namely: Agyemankrom, Nkansakrom, Alhajikrom and Sekyerekrom face imminent outbreak of water borne disease as residents share water with pigs on daily basis.

The four communities have no borehole and depend on River Tromia in the area which normally drives up in the dry season.

The Assembly Member for Kofiko-Baanafor Electoral Area, Madam Siata Watara in an interview said she has made several complaints to the Jaman South Assembly to provide the areas with boreholes but help is yet to come.

“At the end of every year, there is something we call needs assessment so I have sent everything concerning water situation so when you go to the assembly right now, there is an information to that effect,” Madam Watara revealed.

She revealed that the people are really suffering and there is the need for an urgent attention to avoid the outbreak of disease in the area.

She called on NGOs to come to the aid of the community as the outbreak of water borne-diseases loom in the four communities.
