
Community college gives to hospital and schools in Ankaase

Thu, 19 May 2005 Source: GNA

Ankaase (Ash), May 19, GNA - Medical doctors and students from Lansing Community College in Michigan, United States, have donated items valued at 400 million cedis to Ankaase Methodist Faith Healing Hospital and basic schools in the town.

The hospital received dental and other clinical equipment including antibiotics, wound-care medicines, toothbrushes and pastes, reading glasses and 10 desktop computers.

The six basic schools were given teaching and learning materials, footballs and sets of jersey and stationery. Presenting the items at a durbar hosted by the people to welcome representatives of the College at Ankaase in the Kwabre district on Wednesday, Dr Isaac Addai, a Professor of Sociology at the College, said the group would continue to assist the community with health-care and educational issues.

Dr Addai, a citizen of Ankaase, advised the school children to take advantage of the opportunity and make education their priority. Dr Krobea Asante, presiding member of the Kwabre district assembly, who received the items, commended Dr Addai and the group for coming to help improve health delivery and education in the area and hoped that it was not going to be a 'nine day wonder'.

He called on the youth to refrain from anti-social lives and learn hard to improve their academic performance.

Source: GNA