
DOVVSU records high defilement/rape cases in Western Region

Sun, 24 Oct 2010 Source: GNA

Sekondi (WR), Oct. 24, GNA - The Western Regional Division of the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit (DOVVSU), has recorded 81 defilement and 11 rape cases out of 757 crime cases received from the public from January to September, this year.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Sekondi on Friday, the Regional Coordinator, DOVVSU, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Lawrence Gbele, said 816 cases were recorded by the division at the same period last year.

Other criminal cases recorded by the division this year included 192 assaults, 15 stealing, 13 incest and two unlawful child removal cases.

The rest were 13 abduction cases, 41 offensive conduct, two attempted kidnapping, 24 threatening, 19 threat of death and four unlawful ejection cases, ASP Gbele said. Mr Gbele said 86 of the cases were sent to court and 15 cases were referred to family tribunals adding that there 16 were convictions, 585 cases were still under investigations while 68 cases had been closed. 24 Oct. 10

Source: GNA