
Dealers in automobile urged to team up with local entrepreneurs

Mon, 30 Jan 2006 Source: GNA

Accra, Jan. 30, GNA - Mr Kofi Osei-Ameyaw, Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry has appealed to dealers in automobile to team up with local entrepreneurs to manufacture vehicle components locally.

He said in addition to sales, they could collaborate with the local entrepreneurs to develop the industry for the economy to grow. "We need to add value to the automobile industry with the skilled human resource available and the market for vehicles to support such ventures," He added.

Mr Osei-Asmeyaw made the appeal at the launching of a new international innovative Multi-Purpose Vehicle (IMV) Hilux by Toyota Ghana Company Limited on the Ghanaian market in Accra. The new IMV Hilux, comprise of Pick-up Trucks, Mini Van, and Sporty Utility Vehicle (SUV).

The Deputy Minister said introduction of the IMV in Ghana would offer Ghanaian mechanics and technicians the opportunity to learn new skills for first class maintenance services.

Mr Shigeru Sato, Chief Executive Officer of Toyota Ghana said IMV marked a significant revolution for Toyota Company in the history of automobile industry.

He said IMV was to optimise the company's challenges such as continuous change in customers' needs and demands, changing market conditions, fierce competition and offer the best globally. Mr Sato said the IMV series were designed to perform well on unpaved byways, urban highways, affordable for the people and provide satisfaction in terms of comfort, styling, handling and safety as well as fuel consumption.

Source: GNA