
District Chief executives commend project

Tue, 17 Mar 2015 Source: GNA

Some District Chief executives have praised the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority Millennium Villages Project (SADA-MVP) for complementing the efforts of the assemblies in its operational areas.

The Project has, since its inception in 2012, worked to complement the work of the Builsa South, West Mamprusi and Mamprusi Mogaduri districts towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.

Broadly, SADA- MVP interventions are classified under the main sectors of Education, Health, Agribusiness and Rural Infrastructure.

The District Chief Executive for the Builsa South and West Mamprusi districts made the commendation at separate fora held in their Districts to review the 2014 achievements of SADA-MVP and discuss planned activities for 2015.

Mrs Elizabeth Jane Afuic, the DCE for Builsa South, said before the intervention of the SADA-MVP these areas, which were often termed “oversees” recorded high maternal and infant mortality since they were completely cut off from health centres.

She said through SADA-MVP interventions by way of the rehabilitation of feeder roads, the construction and renovation of Community Health Based Planning Compounds (CHPS), the provision of ambulance services and the hiring of retired midwives among others had led to the significant reduction in maternal and infant mortality.

“We appreciate the significant impact the project has made in the area of improving the achievement of the MDGs”, the DCE said. Mr David Wuni, the DCE of the West Mamprusi District in a speech read for him, said the institutionalization of the Teachers’ Award by the project, including the continuous provision of learning and teaching materials, the building and renovation of schools including the provision of ICT centres in schools had led to increased enrolment and retention in schools particularly the girl-child. Mrs Mahama Ramatu, the District Girl Child Officer in charge of the West Mamprusi District, said before the intervention of the project, communities such as Duu, Kinkandina, Nabare and Kpasempke which are SADA-MVP communities recorded high incidence of elopement and teenage pregnancies.

She said she was happy that that situation had improved and attributed it to the interventions of SADA-MVP and some other organizations. Mr David Sumbo, the Team Leader of SADA-MVP stressed the need for all the stakeholders to collaborate effectively to see how they could help sustain the project after its expiration in 2016.

Source: GNA