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Do not discriminate against disabled children

Thu, 27 Nov 2014 Source: GNA

Mrs Josephine Kuomkugri, a teacher and member of the Upper East Regional Association of Persons with Disability has condemned parents who practice favoritism and discriminate against their disabled children.

Mrs Kuomkugri said preferential treatment retarded the development of children with disability, since any condition of disability did not prevent them from learning and making good use of their skills.

She made this statement in Bolgatanga during at a stakeholder’s forum organised by the Pogba Saha Foundation, a non-governmental organization.

She noted that children with disabilities could perform as good as other children and, therefore, should be given the needed support to achieve their dreams.

She narrated an experience when both she and her sibling had admission the same year, but her sibling was allowed to go to school while she waited for a whole year due to her disability.

Mrs Sawulatu Allassan , Executive Director of Pogba Saha Foundation , said a number of child related challenges collated from similar fora had identified early girl child marriages, maternal Mortality, rape, lack of sex education in families and some customary practices hindered development of women and children, more especially girls.

She therefore urged municipal and district assemblies as well as traditional authorities to enact bye laws in communities that would help address the problems of women and children.

Source: GNA