
EP Church to campaign against HIV/AIDS

Sat, 8 Jan 2005 Source: GNA

Ho, Jan 08, GNA - Current information about HIV/AIDS and its modes of transmission have disproved the views held by many Christians and religious groups that the disease is a "divine punishment for promiscuity".

This conclusion was contained in the E. P. Church's HIV/AIDS Policy Document launched in Ho.

It noted that the disease could be transmitted from an infected mother to her child through birth and breast-feeding; blood contact with HIV/AIDS infected blood through blood transfusion, the use of infected sharp instruments and through sexual contact with infected persons.

"Unfortunately, hitherto, the Church had not done much in the campaign against the spread of the disease", the document said.

The said as the "beacon of light and hope the E.P. Church, through its policy, seeks to play a frontal and pivotal role against this menace, which is eroding potentials of the Church, the nation and the world at large."

The seven-page document said the Church's new approach to the disease was in accord with its Mission Statement of "Bringing light to where there is darkness".

The five main areas to engage the attention of the Church in dealing with the menace would be mental, social, spiritual, medical and nutritional care.

Groups in the Church would generate funds from five percent of every harvest and funds from donors to implement the policy in collaboration with institutions engaged in HIV/AIDS activities.

Source: GNA