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Electrician electrocuted at Sege

Electrocution1 File photo

Mon, 5 Sep 2016 Source:

A 49-year-old private electrician came to a fatal end when he got electrocuted at Sege in the Ada West District of the Greater Accra Region after he climbed an electric pole to rectify a fault on a line.

The deceased, Ben Nunoo was said to be working on the hydro pole while there was light out and during the course of fixing the line, power was unfortunately restored leading to his electrocution.

The attention of Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) personnel was drawn to the incident and they quickly put out the power again to bring down the body.

The corpse had been deposited at the Ada Government Hospital morgue.

An eye-witness told DAILY GUIDE that the incident occurred at about 2:30 pm when the electrician was hired by a resident to work on a fault on the line.

According to the witness, the private electrician got electrocuted a few minutes after climbing the pole to work when power was suddenly restored.

“We heard unusual scream only once so we rushed out only to find the electrician stuck on the line with his head upside-down.”
