
Exam invigilators appeal for transport fares

Thu, 27 Apr 2006 Source: GNA

Osino (E/R), April 27, GNA - Mrs Caroline Duncan-Amoah, the Supervisor of the Osino Examination Centre in the Fanteakwa district, has appealed to the West African Examination Council (WAEC) to pay transport fares for supervisors who shuttle daily between the examination centre and the depot.

She said the fare they pay was higher than the approved fares paid by the WAEC and this would make supervisors to incur debts through no fault of theirs.

Mrs Duncan-Amoah, who was speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Osino on Tuesday, appealed to the WAEC to consider the peculiar situation facing them.

She said the total number of candidates who were to write the examination was 354, 165 girls and 186 boys, but 3 candidates were absent including a girl.

Mrs Duncan-Amoah said last year 270 candidates wrote the examination and attributed the rise to the Capitation Grant that brought back truant students to schools.

Source: GNA