
Faculty of Public Health and Allied Sciences tops CUCG Fist Class Honours List

Wed, 18 Mar 2015 Source: GNA

The Faculty of Public Health and Allied Sciences (PHAS) of the Catholic University College of Ghana (CUCG), topped the University’s First Class Honours List at its joint 11th Congregation and 20th Matriculation Programme on Saturday.

One thousand, four hundred and fifty-four (1,454) graduands representing five faculties of the University featured in the ceremony held at Fiapre in the Sunyani West District of Brong-Ahafo Region.

The Faculty of PHAS had 12 out of a total of 21 granduands who obtained First Class Honours and it also had 770 graduands as the highest number among all the Faculties.

Three hundred and twenty-five graduands of the same Faculty obtained Second Class Honours (Upper Division) and another 277 obtaining Second Class Honours (Lower Division), while 123 had Third Class Honours and 32 students had Pass.

The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (E &BA) had 503 graduates, four of whom received First Class Honours while 158 of them had Second Class Honours (Upper Division), 150 of them also obtained Second Class Honours(Lower Division), while 116 had Third Class Honours and 45 contending with Pass.

At Faculty of Education where 74 students pursued Bachelor Education (B. Ed) in Computer Science, three of them had First Class Honours, 37 of them obtained Second Class Honours (Upper Division), 25 for Second Class Honours (Lower Division), Seven had Third Class Honours, while two had Pass.

Forty-one other students who did Diploma in Education also received certificates.

Out of the 61 graduates who offered B.Sc Computer Science at the Faculty of Information, Communication Sciences and Technology (ICST), only one obtained First Class Honours whereas ten of them had Second Class Honours (Upper Division), 16 received Second Class Honours (Lower Division), 19 settled Third Class Honours and 15 sticking to a Pass result.

Only six graduates emerged from Faculty of Religious Studies with one obtaining First Class Honours, two for Second Class Honours (Upper Division) and three for Second Class Honours (Lower Division).

Interestingly, all the graduands who obtained Pass results were conspicuously absent as none of them showed up at the ceremony.

Source: GNA