
Fetish priest, one other arrested for murder

Wed, 21 Jan 2004 Source: GNA

Aflao, Jan 21, GNA - A fetish priest of Wudoaba in the Ketu District and another person who beat a fellow fetish priest to death and chopped his body into more than 20 pieces are assisting the Aflao police in their investigations.

Segbene Adodo, 40, the fetish priest and Akpafu Dogbe, 35, his accomplice, also removed the deceased person's jaw, part of the liver, skin and the head.

They threw the other pieces onto the main Aflao-Ho trunk road to suggest that a vehicle killed the deceased.

Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Baba Moro, the Aflao District Crime Officer, told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that the deceased, Dotse Afadalor, 28, who was a fetish priest at Gedekorpe near Wudoaba and one other person named only as Mensah came on a stealing expedition at Wudoaba in the night of January 2.

He said Adodo heard an unusual noise in his fowl coop and raised an alarm that attracted neighbours.

They chased the thieves and one of them Mensah, now at large, stabbed J.J. Sowoalo, one of the pursuers. Afadalor was arrested and beaten to death.

He said Adodo and Dogbe chopped Afadalor's body into several pieces and threw them onto the road and kept the other parts for ritual purposes. Meanwhile, the Aflao Circuit Court on Tuesday remanded the two in police custody to re-appear on January 27, this year.

Source: GNA