
First fruit smoothie café starts business in Bolgatanga

Tue, 14 May 2013 Source: GNA

Youth Harvest Foundation Ghana, a youth development non-governmental organisation (NGO), has launched a fruit smoothie café known as “Zaare Smoothie in Bolgatanga, to supplement the nutritional needs of the people.

Zaare Smoothie is made up of the finest and carefully selected natural tropical fruits.

Proceeds from the fruit drink will be invested in projects, to address the urgent needs of the youth.

Mr John Kingsley Kurugu, Executive Director of the NGO, noted that foods that are eaten in the country now are full of carbohydrate with less or no fruit or vegetable intake, hence the project.

He said the venture is partnering with the “Meet Afrika Foundation,” The Netherland based NGO to promote the health needs of the public.

Mr Abel Ndego, a Regulatory Officer at the Food and Drugs Authority in an interview with the Ghana News Agency on the sideline at the launch stated it was imperative that people began to appreciate the relevance of proper nutrition for healthy growth.

He said access to nutrition was necessary for healthy lifestyles, adding that many people had fallen short of their vitamins requirements because of inaccessibility of fresh fruits.

Mr Rex Asanga, Chief Executive Officer of Northfin Foundation, an NGO, who launched the café, urged the management to obtain a patent for the product, to grant the corporate entity the sole right of the product.

He urged the youth to add fresh fruits to their daily meals, to help promote and prolong their life span.

Source: GNA