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FoN advocates for Fishing Management Plan for the Butuah Lagoon

Sun, 8 Jan 2012 Source: GNA

Sekondi, Jan.5,GNA-Mr. Donkris Mevuta, Executive Director of Friends of the Nation (FoN), on Thursday said a fishing management plan for the Butuah Lagoon at New Takoradi should be put in place before the ban on fishing in the lagoon is lifted.

Speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Sekondi, he said the plan would prevent a re-occurrence of pollution

of the lagoon, which led to the death of large quantity of fish and a resultant ban.

Mr. Mevuta said the plan would outline guidelines and the appropriate methods of fishing methods as well as the time and periods to fish and the type of fish to harvest.

He said industrial establishments near the lagoon would need to come out with their environmental management plans.

Source: GNA