"Therefore, everybody, especially children must learn to read"
The Ghana Book Development Council (GBDC), an Agency under the Ministry of Education, is undertaking a reading promotion programme in the La Nkwantanang-Madina Municipality in the Greater Accra region.
Some of the beneficiary schools include Teiman St. James Anglican Basic school, Otinibi Basic school, Danfa Methodist Basic school, Pantang Presby Basic school, and Presec Staff '3' & '4' primary school.
The exercise forms part of the Council’s campaign, dubbed, “Learn to Read; Read to Learn” aimed at promoting reading among Basic school children in the country. Similar reading promotion activities have been undertaken in the past in districts such as Shai Osudoku and Ga East respectively.
This reading promotion campaign which was launched in June 2018, also ensures that Book booths stocked with assorted reading books, which are indigenously produced, are provided to public Basic schools, to supplement school libraries or serve as libraries in schools without library facilities.
Speaking about the importance of the exercise, the Executive Director of Ghana Book Development Council, Mrs Ernesticia Lartey Asuinura, said, “it is important that every child, no matter where he or she lives, is exposed to books and the benefits of life-long reading right from infancy. Apart from the vocabulary and knowledge one acquires from reading books, reading is also a very good exercise for the brain and sharpens our intelligence. Therefore, everybody, especially children, must learn to read and read to learn for life.”
The Municipal Director of Education for La Nkwantanang-Madina Municipality, Ms. Angela Frempomaa Nkansah also said, “It’s a joy and a privilege to have La Nkwantanang-Madina being a part of this reading promotion programme by the Ghana Book Development (GBDC). In this era where children are fond of watching videos and playing games rather than reading their books, I believe it is a welcoming news to have such an intervention to encourage children to read. I promise to support GBDC in every way to make it a success and I am sure this will be replicated in other schools within the Municipality."
Head teachers, teachers and school pupils have over the period expressed their excitement and gratitude regarding this intervention. The general call of the pupils has always been for GBDC to make more meeting times for reading.
The Ghana Book Development Council (GBDC) is an Agency under the Ministry of Education mandated to oversee the development, regulation and effective planning of the Book industry in the country. One of its functions is to promote reading and creative-writing among school children.