
GES storekeepers told to ensure transparency

Tue, 16 Aug 2011 Source: GNA

Kumasi, Aug. 16, GNA - Mr Joseph Kwabena Onyinah, Ashanti Regional Director of Education, has asked storekeepers and logistics officers of the Ghana Education Service (GES) to ensure transparency and uphold best practices. They should periodically take stock of the items and materials in thei= r care and see to their fair distribution.

Kumasi, Aug. 16, GNA - Mr Joseph Kwabena Onyinah, Ashanti Regional Director of Education, has asked storekeepers and logistics officers of the Ghana Education Service (GES) to ensure transparency and uphold best practices. They should periodically take stock of the items and materials in thei= r care and see to their fair distribution. He said efforts at promoting quality education could become a mirage i= f the required teaching and learning materials, relevant tools and equipment did not get to the end users on time. Mr Onyinah was addressing over 200 storekeepers at a four-day workshop in Kumasi. It was jointly organised by the Regional Education Directorate and the Regional Storekeepers Association to aid the participants to update their skills. Mr Onyinah noted that capacity building of all the personnel of the GE= S was vital for the success of the country's education reform programme and= it was precisely for this reason that that the service had initiated programme= s to adequately resource and to motivate the workers to improve their skills. He praised the executives of the association for their foresight and drive.

Source: GNA