
GNPC must take necessary actions to finalise the construction of our neglected sanitation facilities

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Fri, 22 Mar 2024 Source: Western Nzema Youth League-Beyin

Cape Three Point is a community in Ghana's Western Region that radiates a rich heritage. It serves as home to the offshore activities of our great nation, and it is surprising to note that such an essential peninsula has been left in a fetid environment with no single toilet facility.

As a result, we are forced to resort to using the beach for this purpose. For years now, there have been multiple press conferences and releases regarding this issue.

However, we are still waiting for action to be taken. It is disheartening to see that, despite being globally recognized as the only peninsula in Ghana, Cape Three Points continues to be neglected to an alarming degree.

Despite its significance, both young and old must resort to using the beach for nature's sake due to inadequate sanitation facilities. This situation is unacceptable considering Cape Three Point holds Ghana's hydrocarbon, oil and gas resources, making it well-known among all Ghanaians.

It is wickedness on the part of the leadership not to have provided even one toilet facility after close to a decade since GNPC deliberately abandoned their own project, which was paid for by taxpayers' money!

Ever since Ghana began its hydrocarbon campaign efforts, there hasn't been any visible corporate social responsibility from jubilee partners, or GNPC.

We lack critical social amenities; during rainy seasons, we are cut off from other towns because roads become inaccessible. Is it because we belong to the most peaceful tribe, or is it simply deliberate neglect by the authorities?

Cape Three Points should not be taken for granted as it attracts various tourists, both domestic and foreign, due to its unique beaches with forests entering into them—features found mainly in California and Caribbean countries only!

However, it is currently under threat due to particulate matter in the air caused by offshore helicopter emissions; hence, carbon offset projects need fast implementation!

The youth population grows despondent daily, while all attempts aimed at getting GNPC officials' attention seem futile! As holders of these resources ourselves, located within diplomatic communities across nations, protecting integrity matters greatly!

We cannot help but bemoan recent news about GNPC increasing board members' allowances when they can't complete basic amenities like toilets (which were already initiated), causing a waste of taxpayer money.

In sharing national cake among us, let's rise above partisan politics and favoritism so that sensational villages like ours boasting numerous antiques don't continue rotting away!

In conclusion, our humble appeal goes out directly to GNPC officials: kindly complete what you started by providing adequate sanitation facilities urgently needed here at Cape Three Point community, where hygiene standards require proper sanitization measures implemented within 21st-century global health concerns.

Source: Western Nzema Youth League-Beyin