The planting of the grafted shea seedlings in Tamale
The Global Shea Alliance has begun planting 1,000 grafted Shea seedlings in the Northern Savannah Ecological Zone to address the dwindling numbers of Shea trees in the country.
The planting of the grafted shea seedlings is part of the Ghana Shea Landscape Emission Reductions Project (GSLERP) which seeks to plant 3.5 million grafted Shea seedlings to restore degraded Shea parkland.
The Project which was launched last year also seeks to mitigate the effects
of climate change within the fragile ecosystem of the Northern Savannah
Landscapes and to improve the shea value chain.
Speaking at a short ceremony to mark the start of the planting of the seedlings in Tamale on Wednesday, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Forestry Commission, John Allotey said the grafted Shea seedlings grows faster and is more resilient to pest and disease.
“According to research conducted by the Cocoa Research Institute, shea when grafted, has a shorter gestation period, fruits in a shorter period, and is
also very much disease and pest-resistant.” he said.
He said the planting of the seedlings marked the beginning of the country’s journey towards rejuvenating its landscapes, empowering communities, and safeguarding the Northern Savannah Ecosystem.
He remarked, “Therefore, remain steadfast in our commitment to the GSLERP, ensuring a brighter and more sustainable future for climate-positive
action, for all.”
Aaron Adu, the Managing Director of the Global Shea Alliance on his part
called for support from communities for the project to help protect the trees
planted from bushfires and human destruction.
He called for a national dialogue on ownership of the trees to guarantee
The Global Shea Alliance is an international non-profit industry association
with 663 members from 38 countries including women’s groups, brands and
retailers, suppliers, and NGOs.
Through public-private partnerships, the GSA promotes industry sustainability, quality practices and standards, and demand for shea in food and cosmetics.