
Gender Centre empower women for effective performance

Sat, 12 Oct 2013 Source: GNA

The Gender Studies and Human Rights Documentation Centre has trained 40 women in human rights and leadership, to enhance their performance.

Project Officer of Gender Centre, Ms Joyce Lena Danquah, said in an interview with the Ghana News Agency on Friday that the training is to sharpen the women's leadership skills for management of their future endeavours She said the session was the second of a series of workshops earmarked under the project, aimed at preparing the women to be able to assume effective leadership positions in the country.

Speaking further Ms Danquah said the women were selected from various occupational backgrounds including teaching, trading, nursing and security services.

They would go through various topics such as understanding Human Rights, Universal Human Rights, Women’s Human Rights and patriarchy and women’s subordination, she said.

Ms Danquah explained that the objective of the workshop was to explore participants’ knowledge of the constitutional and legal framework of the state and the functions of specific constitutional institutions.

Subsequently, they would learn the functions of the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary, and would be given insights on tools for effective public life, she said.

Ms Danquah said the workshop would expose the trainees to constraints women face in leadership and identify strategies for effective participation of women in leadership.

She said the four-day workshop is part of activities planned under the four year Funding Leadership and Opportunities for Women project, being implemented by the Gender Centre with support from Womankind Worldwide, a UK charity.

The 40 women were chosen from the Atwima Mponua District of Ashanti, Wenchi Municipality in the Brong Ahafo Region and Ada East District in the Greater Accra Region.

Source: GNA