Executive Director of Hope for Future Generations (HFFG), Mrs Cecilia Lodonu-Senoo
Experienced Ghanaian social worker and Executive Director of Hope for Future Generations (HFFG), Mrs. Cecilia Lodonu-Senoo, has been selected to become a member of the Developing Country NGO Delegation to the Global Fund Board (DCNGO) 2021-2023.
The Developing Country NGO Delegation is one of three civil society constituencies on the Global Fund Board and represents the perspectives of NGOs and NGO implementers in over 100 recipient countries.
The Global Fund is a partnership designed to accelerate the end of AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria as epidemics. Since its creation in 2002, the Global Fund has disbursed more than US$45.4 billion in the fight against HIV, TB, and malaria and for programs to strengthen systems for health across more than 155 countries, including Ghana.
The Developing Country NGO delegation aims to contribute to and influence Global Fund policies and practices in an effort to make them continually and appropriately responsive to the needs of people living with or affected by HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria and the NGOs and community-based organizations (CBOs) providing services and support to address these diseases.
Mrs. Senoo’s selection was announced in a letter co-signed by Andriy Klepikov, Board Member and Alternate Board Member, Carolyn Gomes.
“On behalf of the Developing Country NGO Delegation to the Global Fund Board (DCNGO), we are pleased to invite you to become a member of the delegation for 2021- 2023, following your excellent application and thoughtful interview,” the letter partly read.
Commenting on the selection, Mrs. Senoo said that she is elated to be invited to join the Board. “It is a call to service to our communities, constituencies and countries to ensure better health outcomes for all”, Mrs Senoo added.
Mrs Cecilia Senoo is the first woman to chair the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) of the Global Fund in Ghana. In this capacity, Mr Senoo led the HIV, Malaria, and TB response in Ghana with the support of the CCM Secretariat.
Mrs. Cecilia Senoo is skilled in national and international advocacy, gender programming and has over 25 years expertise in NGO management, Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) strategies and interventions, psychosocial counselling, and HIV and AIDS programming.
The Executive Director of Hope for Future Generations is also a Board Member of the Ghana Population Council and a founding member of the Non-State Actors on Health and Development in Ghana.
She is a Technical Advisor to the Society for Women and AIDS in Africa (SWAA Ghana), an organization that has given hope to hundreds of Persons Living with HIV in Ghana.