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Ghanaian military personnel back home from Cote d’voire operations

Brig Gen Awity Parade Brig. Gen. Awity inspecting the parade. Photo Ebo Gorman

Thu, 9 Feb 2017 Source: Ghanaian Times

The Ghana Air Force yesterday organised a parade to welcome officers who participated in the United Nations Operations in Cote d’Ivoire (UNOCI). The operation was initiated in 2006 to help restore peace and security in that country during the political conflicts.

The parade, made up of three commanders and 48 personnel of the Air Force, was also to bring to an end Ghana Air Forces’ participation in military activities in Cote d’Ivoire after successful completion of UNOCI earlier this year.

Addressing the gathering in Accra, Brigadier General Charles Kodjo Abede Asomaning Awity, Director General, International Peace Support Operation (IPSO) of the Ghana Armed Forces, expressed the Military High Command’s appreciation to the personnel for playing an essential role in the maintenance of peace and security in the sub-region.

“I would like to personally and on behalf of the High Command commend you for the professionalism you exhibited despite the numerous challenges affecting your duties”, he said.

He encouraged the personnel to utilise the experience gained from their involvement in the mission to perform better in subsequent operations.

The Director General was grateful to the UN Peacekeeping Department for consistently involving Ghana in the restoration of law and order in volatile regions and pledged Ghana’s commitment to supporting the maintenance of peace and security.

Group Captain Frederick Asare Bekoe, Accra Base Commander, thanked the families of the officers involved in offering the needed support for the operation to be a success.

He reminded the officers of the need to allow the experience to reflect in future missions for Ghana to continue being the envy of many nations in such international peacekeeping assignments.

Source: Ghanaian Times