
Ghanaians migrants need our help – Foundation

Fri, 17 Apr 2015 Source: GNA

Mr Jones Owusu Yeboah, the Chief Executive Officer of SEWA Foundation, has appealed to the government to assist Ghanaians workers facing difficulties in some Middle Eastern countries.

He also called for steps to be taken to halt the “labour export” concept being encouraged by certain firms and individuals the country.

The SEWA, “S? ?y? WOBA ANKA”, literally meaning, “If he or she were your child” what would you do? is a Foundation that campaigns against human trafficking in the country.

Mr Yeboah, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, said some unscrupulous people and firms were going round the country using the labour export concept to perpetrate human trafficking crimes.

He said many Ghanaians had fallen victim to their empty promises and were now languishing in deplorable conditions in countries like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Libya.

Mr Yeboah said a research conducted by the Foundation revealed that many people were deceived with promises of job opportunities in these countries but they ended up serving like slaves.

”Meanwhile, the connection men who lured them and took huge sums of money are freely going about their businesses,” he said.

Mr Yeboah said the situation of Ghanaians in many of such Middle-Eastern countries was dehumanizing and urged the youth to avoid the haste to travel outside “for greener pastures”.

He suggested that visas to these countries should be carefully scrutinized and every arrangement with any travel and tours company to such countries should be halted.

Mr Yeboah pleaded with the Ghana Police Human Trafficking Unit to be on the alert to help arrest the perpetrators of these acts and expressed gratitude to the Ghana Immigration Service for helping in the fight against the human trafficking.

Source: GNA