
Ghanaians to experience citizen friendly policing

IGP Police Team

Wed, 29 Oct 2014 Source: GNA

The Ghana Police Training Academy in collaboration with Hanns Seidel Foundation, has opened a training course for 30 Charge Non- Commissioned Officers to be trained on how to promote citizen-oriented working style in the police service.

The five-day training course is expected to enhance the competence of the Non- Commissioned Officers, sharpen their skills in their line of work.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCOP) Bright Oduro, Commandant at the Police Academy said the training is timely as the Police Administration has embarked on a paradigm shift tailored to re-affirm public confidence in the service.

DCOP Oduro said policing has become a shared responsibility since no one could claim immunity from the threat posed by criminal elements in the society thereby making their job difficult.

In a speech read on his behalf, Inspector General of Police (IGP) Mohammed Ahmed Alhassan, said the knowledge and competence the participants would acquire at the course would become handy in the execution of their assignments in an era where expectations of the public are rising by the day.

He thanked the people of the Federal Republic of Germany for the enormous support in the capacity building the service has received through Hanns Seidel Foundation.

He noted that government’s efforts in policy formulation, decentralisation, civic education, rule of law and conflict prevention have yielded significant results.

The IGP said the Police Administration has made a commitment to allow the Police Academy to be used as the venue for future courses in 2015 to reduce the cost of training and maximise the benefits by increasing the number of course participants.

Mr Demian Regehr, Country Director Hanns Seidel Foundation said the course is important because of the strong bond and trust it would create between the police and the public.

He said it would also change public perception about the service.

Mr Regehr said 221 personnel have been trained since the programme started in 2012.

The German Ambassador, Mr Reudiger John said the police would be able to perform their duties if the people have trust in them.

He said Police officers are often described as threatening rather than supportive, abusing their authority to achieve personal gains, applying force in arbitrary ways and being unable and unwilling to provide help when approached by citizens.

He said this is the reason for the course and urged the participants to take the course seriously to clear these negative perceptions.

Source: GNA