MCE for Asokore Mampong, Alhaji Alidu Seidu
The Municipal chief executive for the Asokore Mampong Municipal Assembly in the Ashanti region has appealed to the European Union to consider expanding its union's initiatives within the Municipality.
Addressing a high-powered EU delegation to the No Business As Usual Hub Kumasi, Mr. Seidu said, the European Union sponsored Hub, has brought good initiatives to the Muslim dominated communities within the municipality.
The EU sponsored project has an objective of empowering 500 youth from the municipal. Out of which, two hundred of them have been trained on entrepreneurship skills such as, make-ups, fashion, soft drinks production, Graphic Design among others. This has exposed them to employable market.
The main objective of the EU visit was to see the actual implementation of the NO BUSINESS AS USUAL PROJECT and to discuss possible sustainability framework and sustainable financing model for youth in Entrepreneurship.
Ambassador Diana Acconcia, Head of the European Union Delegation in Ghana, stated that, the Union is passionate about Youth employment and sustainable jobs in Ghana citing the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs as an example.
She explained that, her outfit sought to complement the long-standing political partnership between Ghana and EU and to deepen the economic and trade relations which goes beyond a donor-recipient approach.
The European Union delegation had a discussion with the NBU Project Coordinator, SOS children Villages Ghana National Director, and SOS Ghana’s Board Chairman.